"Online social networks provide a platform upon which influence can be created out of nothing. Psychologist Robert Cialdini´s basic principles of influence, proposed in 1984, are all revelant and present on these nerworks. Consider, for exemple, how successful influencers share atractive stories that impact an audience. Frequent postings and interactions help make influencers easier to identify to fans and give followers a sense of familiarity. Many influencers aldo manage to establish themselves as experts or authorities within their topics, even without the accreditation of researchers. Humans are by nature social animals, as Aristotle pointed out, but we are especially exigent about how real our connections are. People naturally form parasocial relationships, feeling a deep emotional connection to someone without any direct interaction. We feel as if we know our favorite movie stars personally. and when the voice of a podcaster fills a room, we feel less alone. We recognize familiar faces, both on the internet and on the street, and form a sense of attachment to people we have never met. The influence of parasocial relationships has increased as online platform have emerged. Technology proposes itself as the architect of our friendships!, sociologist Sherry Turkle suggested in a book in which she explored how technology can both shape and replace face-to-face interaction. As work becomes more remote, the distinction between "real" and "virtual" has become less clear, creating an opportunity for wise online personalities who seek to become as familiar to us, and as influential, as our closest friends". Adapted from an article by Richard Dancsi, Psychology today, 4-12-23.


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