
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

Consecuencias del cambio climático: Menos Agua

 Todos estudiamos en el cole que el agua tiene un ciclo, verdad? Pues la realidad es que cada día hay menos! Y está más contaminada!  Desaparición de fuentes hídricas Las altas temperaturas han provocado la sequía de ríos, lagos, lagunas y otras fuentes hídricas que durante siglos fueron indispensables para la supervivencia y el desarrollo de pueblos enteros. Muchos de los que quedan están contaminados, igual que los océanos y las costas. Esto también podría explicar el abandono progresivo de algunas zonas por parte de millones de familias, la ampliación de los desiertos y la creciente migración hacia los grandes centros urbanos.  El agua es fuente de vida  y de prosperidad.

Different assesmen of Emotional intelligence

  TOPIC 2: The assessment of EI.   Following my topic 2:    First of all, I need to say that I handed over my PEC 1 without any answer about some questions topic 2. On the contrary my mate maid a fantastic task 2: congratulations!. I forgot to answer someones, but not others.   Despite answering PEC, I didn´t my answers so good some weeks ago, due to I don´t mention Validity, Reliability, or even Variance or Correlations. It is important to mention because I can see a lot of questions about that and nowadays I am considering adding it at the end. Even though that   I honestly believe that Reliability and Validity are both math’s dates and there is a variable interpretation according to culture and individuals as well. I said that because I remembered a Pilot balance for young people when I was younger, in the Red Cross. In that case, I did some instruments to measuring and even a Liker scale, I tri...

Relationship between Ei and health

  TOPIC 3:   Part I. Take-away topic questions   - What is supportive between Emotional Intelligence and psychosomatic health?   First of all, Speaking about psychosomatic health is talking about estrés, depression, and instead. On the one hand, studies show that we are a positive link between stress and emotions. But a negative one with other structures psychosomatic; like Asperger's. On the other hand, we take EI as a negative predictor in some people; teenagers and adult people.   -What is supportive evidence for/against the relationship between Ability or trait EI and the following suggest: psychosomatic, physical health, physical and psychical health?   From my evidence and studies evidence, Firstly, we have a strong relationship with Ability EI and Aptitude cognition. Ability perspective is less robust and more limited than trait perspective. Secondly, trait referred better to Actitud if we speaking about a trait....