GLICK Schiller. From inmigrant to transmigrant
Theorizing Transnational migration.
In the USA anthropologist are engaged in building transnational anthropology and rethinking their data on migration. Migration, in fact, proves to be an important transnational process that reflects and contributed to the current political configuration of the Global economy.
This article explores two more points: a) reasons and b) implications of transnational migration. The use of transnational studies shows the various meaning of restructuring Capital Globally. In fact, transnational processes are increasingly seen as part of natural boundaries in the production of people.
probably says; when we study migration rather than abstract cultural representations, we see that transnational processes are located within the life experience of individuals and families.
a)Reasons for transnational migration speaking in general about more conjoining potent forces in the global economy, like capital, racism, and Political.
1)a global restructuring of Capital based on changing forms of CAPITAL accumulation has to lead to debating social for the economic condition
2)RACISM in Europe and USA contributes to the new PROBLEM
3)the ACTION building projects in society build Political loyalties among inmigrants
The conditions for migration have been set by foreign capital and political post-colonial interest. Memories of history past and migrant studies are evidence that dispersed probation of Jews, Palestinians maintained interconnections. Although Their continuing Diaspora sent the population to construct a Nacion-State. In sorts, a comparative ethnography transnational of interconnection that provides the possibility for individual survival and mobilized in context of vulnerability and subordination to capitalism
b)Implications of transnationalism for the debate of migrants.
The paradox of understanding the Identities and dilemmas of current-day immigrants is that the "Age of transnationalism" is a time of continuing Nation-state in the global economy and transnational migrations. The strategy of some forces forming a national consensus by depicting immigrants as enemies. It is a continuing punishment Violation of law!
Nowadays the current debate on immigrants will lead not to the effective policing of national borders but to the reinscription of boundaries. It serves to counter transnational Identities and loyalties.
There are therefore drawn into a discourse of Identity that links then nation-state as a bounded structure of laws and institutions as well as a defended territory"
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