School for all. Part B (20 Mayo?)
School for all. Part B (20 Mayo?)
My second task should be set up /established by another three essays focusing on the following topics and points: Task4: Create opportunities for all students
Task 5: Accelerated schools
Task 6: How do we evaluate our students and our teaching?
Task 4: Create opportunities for all I will focused on three main parts my essay and I like speaking about Constructivism and constructionism perspectives in the first part. Then following or second part by teaching Action Research, TAR at the same time as by an Alternative Provision. In my conclusion I will speak about a scientific investigation or Discovery learning or learning by doing like a strategy; all of this is the same for me. Meanwhile, before all this structure I need to write a little introduction, explained in detail below.
In 2000 year, 164 governments agreed on the Dakar Framework for” Action and Education for All”. In this place people does an ambitious agenda to reach 6 wide ranging education goals by 2015. There has been a tremendous progress across the world since 2000. After the crisis became and more things like Violence in conflicts and wars (and money) are a great barrier to achieve this aims. For instance before ACUARIUS boat experience in last summer, I remember we went two people to General HOSPITAL to support an immigrant that spoke French. I like putting into practice my pedagogy with him. I personally give him a Spanish book, a notebook and some pens. Although most of immigrants are not possibility went to a school and he never had go to a class or He never had had a book in his hands. I had to change my strategy and finally by playing cards. I need to say this because Education for all is not a really nowadays. Will be possible some day? Most migrant people came here because in their developing countries there are only wars that kill them, abuse of disadvantaged people (for the most vulnerable). Let us stop telling ourselves, there are two realities: developed countries and undeveloped ones. We need to invest in teachers, `pedagogues and Social Educator and maybe we should developing technology to attending this people. They are sun energy a lot! Adopting teaching strategies on line with young generations and personally strategies with children. Maybe in a farm of solidarity initiatives to changing services like tourism or some typical products and books. I don´t know and we need to think so much. Maybe in Africa was born a kid who is a bigtalent that will aide people tomorrow. In their farm why not we could implement an Alternative Provision!. On the contrary there are enterprise as including Nile Perch, but one get rich. Speaking about constructionism and constructivism perspectives it brings to mind Scouts movement.
On the one hand Constructivism or the cognitive theory was invented by Piaget (by individual application of student). This idea was that knowledge is constructed by the learner, individually by concepts. On another hand, constructionism is more an educational method which is based on the constructivism theory. Vygotsky social constructionism saw an important critique of Piaget, based on the importance of the CULTURE. Many different theories have been developed to explain how teaching and learning take place, before Piaget and Vygotsky. However they consider to transmit knowledge almost always in a passive way. The need to place more ACTIVE role on the learner was chained by a large group of educators who started placing this learning in an EXPERIMENTAL matter. We learn by Experience and INTERACTION with others, assimilating and adapting individual process. In fact interaction was a collective Construction by Dewey. My examples are relatives to scouts and working which young people doing projects. Sometime nature projects support on the WWF projects. These projects were a similar methodology (4 or 5 stages; proposition, election, planning, action and evaluation or Boom). At the same time I remember the first group in “La Devesa del Saler” with The Red Cross, as from the third week of the implementation, we starting to work as a team. Even though with the survey research and this is made possible thank to my recommendation of follow over task in the local In conclusion, teaching and learning strategies are important just as much underline the criteria to select the appropriate one. Following objectives and needs, as well as, the different interests. Teaching and learning we assume two main principles: experimental learning and cooperative learning. In this way Specific strategies’ can help young people as a learning community and with a selective method. Some strategies to mention are: Alliances, flexibility, learning community, Projects, communication, peer tutoring, role play (this is very interesting for everybody and is a fun playing), seminars, and modules. And so on. In Uned, to give another example, I was used some specifics forums to a special work. There were opening only for this matter! In Social Justice, for instance, I asked for a meeting of my team on a different forums …and by skype and mail with my mates. Though unfortunately To sum up, I consider ALLIANCES my favorite strategy almond people and between institutions are a perfect issue to implement a program. In my opinion is more important a good communication. Not only on line communication or by Gmail or whatsapp, people need to stay in contact. We are humans!
TASK 5: ACCELERATED SCHOOL In this task I need to summarize the ideas of Accelerated school and looking up page 58 and respond three different questions that answering them in attention to my personal experience. After that I can select a case of the chapter 10 and analyze it in relation to page 284, answering a new question. Describe another case I know concerning community involvement and finally a conclusion. Speaking about the integrated philosophy of accelerated schools centers on 3 principles: Unity of purpose, empowerment with responsibility and building on strengths. The values to implement this methodology are; collaboration, participation, risk tasking and experimentation by discovery things.
Schools working together to create powerful learning that Motivate people and students. Powerful learning Experiences result from both; collaborative perspective and one individual. In the book we call that: BIG WHEELS and LITTLE WHEELS. The big wheels refer to the formal accelerated school process and stages are; taking stock, forging a vision, setting priorities and creating governance. Everything using The Inquiry process structure. In fact Inquiry process is a cycling evaluation by feedback. The little wheels are the spin-offs of the collaborative bigwheels activities and take shape as small, creative experiments by all members. As I said before the Inquiry processes is a cycling assessment process by feedback. Stages in that are: 1) focus in on challenge area, 2)brainstone a solution, 3)Synthesize solution an development an Active PLAN, 4)Pilot and implement this plan or program and 5) Evaluated and reassess. My next option is checking page 58 of the guide and responding 3 questions. Below is showing 4 questions: 1)Have you ever experience a process similar to the one described? 2)Where and what has been like the experience? 3)How do you manage to implement this kind of process in your school? 4)Do it meet the steps and requeriments in the case of the book (page 284)?
1/2 ) Speaking about my experience in that point, I have experienced very often in scout movement. I really thing the most important to do is assessing the proposal in every action or program. I had worked with scouts this process that in particular for me are many different named: discovery learning or learning by doing or cycling evaluation… I had worked extensively and hard with this methodology approach. From one place with programs designed for children ages 8 to 11 or 12. To another place with young people ages 14 to 17, and sometimes with young people ages 20, more or less, I don´t remember it. In the first case I developed the same programs with children and in my whole scout group. In such way and by building knowledge, I should empower children and young people to follow their needs and global needs at the same time. My experience is that I have used this process in the scout, long ago. In fact the event could take place every 4 or 5 years in a team meeting that it was celebrated in a week end or 2. We were prepared outside of Valencia and we go to a camping side, many times, we went to my village! In fact every year we organize a special meeting for evaluation our plan or project (like an assessing of our PEC, common project).
3/ 4 ) Answering the 3 question I can say that I am working and collaborating with The Red Cross nowadays. The world is my school and experience as well. Maybe I will to learn to communicate better with them, because I find a great difficulty my collaboration and for this I think that I have isolated myself too much. I found disoriented and unmotivated. Despite distributing some food to vulnerable people in the Red Cross, my motivation is low by now. I choose select the second case to analyze.
Case 2: An Ad Hoc committee’s outreach to community. This case was about five children needed individually attention or class aide, only 3 h a day. This case remain me another one in The Red Cross that unfortunately I didn´t go. Retouring to the subject I believe that Case 2 is a good example of the integrated approach of the community. Especially at the beginning in the first steps; 1 and 2 where it are detailed comments. Stage 1: Exploring the challenge area in formally and hypothesize WHY it is exist. Two points: During this step committee members presented some report or surveys. After that there are many interpretation and testing of the results. I see a perfect resolution! Stage 2: Brainstorming Solution is a really creative process. After that point people should be discussion and in our case there were 2 possible solutions; parents’ lessons or outside school. Stage 3: After discussion they found a solution Stage 4 -5: People implement a Pilot Test and finally committee developed an Action Plan In my opinion this case is opening at the end and the last stage are representatives. Analyze case attending page 284: Involving parents or people in each step of the process is the key. On the book there are represented strategies for this: invited people to sessions, have interviews (vision) or phone people and encourage them. In short. It is vital to include people in getting started stages: taking stock, forging a Vision, setting priorities, as well as to follow the formal Inquiry Process. Though Participation people will begin to feel a sense of empowerment of the process. (In conclusion, we only create opportunities for western cities. We need to create more in Africa by cooperation. We need to foster the continent ´s participation in a global process and not only in a local one or maybe it is better start to working first by their local problems: first one, hunger and second one, education).
TASK 6: How do we evaluate our students and our teaching? Evaluate have powerful aspects of education that have an enormous influence on the entire enterprise of helping and encouraging students to learn or not helping them at all. So that, we will dedicate this last task to reflect about education and I should include proposal to be implemented in a specific case: ACTION TIME: Young people and Healthy habits around the world My experiences about evaluation. As I said before. I did some practices on evaluation in Scouts, The Red Cross and Uned -In scouts. I did some projects similar to task 5. I did with my Kenya scout group as a leadership in different levels; in different unities with children and young people. In every case I did a double assessment, sometimes three assessments, everyone in a different status. Interestingly enough, the document under consideration in task 5 reminded me some projects that we did every 3 years in my group. In fact we review that every year, but we changing it every 3 or 5 year. -In the Red Cross. I was be able collaborated as a girl and as an adult person nowadays. I am in the process today and I have almost always working in a group, but It´s been a while since did everything alone. Sometimes isolate. Before I was working in a team, but now no because I have problems; people didn´t follow mw and I feel offside, out of the team. And so unmotivated -In the Uned. I only have done two evaluations witch this characteristic as Social educator to innovate. I remain me did an exam on line from my computer at home and another one which an open book in the university. If I speak about my pedagogy assessments, I should say that: So far (until now), I have fail 3 subjects: Diagnosis, Tutorial action and Differential Pedagogy. As well as my last Practices. I fail Differential at the beginning, yet certainly insufficient. I have fail Diagnosis in spite of I did apply to The Red Cross. I fail my practices despite doing a good program to implement it. In fact I did the first program in Red Cross of Environment and nature or, for instance my action against bulling is on the net and cyberspace. In short, Constructive feedback is so necessary to implement my evaluation. If we take account my progression I have ever been a cyclical progress against the lineal or vertical progress and with constructive feedback. My self-assessment in the last year. My self-assessment is a progress of looking at myself in order to assess aspects that are important to my identity and my high degree of motivation (but not at the end. So now I am, a little bit, demotivated). My academic learning development during this year is was curious because I have ever though my powerful was communication into a group. I was sure despite I started against everything. -On Uned´s Foros, during the first four months of the year, my group was break at the last minute, only for a week to present my review (and only were 2 people at the end). -On the Red Cross. I felt quite lonely and sometimes even isolated because “Nobody would listen to me” or yes, but any case. I am trying to activate a program do it for me, more than one time. Another weakness for me was TIC, because I was ready to give the best of me but Facebook was a problem. I did some pages to activate people of health and Environment. The red Cross told me I´d have to wipe the whole things off, two times and even my pictures. The World like a better place. Finally I would like to underline that true learning require time, review one more time and rethinking things. It´s fun and a collaborative action packed that can be constructed in common with students, teachers, parents, community, in the town, in the city , in today´s world or even on the net. Everybody need to working together as a team. On the contrary our political leaders do not seem to be working together, a bad example. EXTREME RIGH is doing heavy again and in the world is increasingly forced migrations. At a global level desertification is more and more important, leading poverty, forced migrations and conflicts. The medias in general should be helping this opinion because people following them and certainly they are concentrated all the power. We should not be exclude power of money because we are living with them around the world but we need, of course, more education for use it and Social Justice. We need to maintain responsible consumption habits and prevent obsolescence as well as we need to protect nature. For everything we could add to a Formal education, an informal education and no formal one as well. We need disciplines based on nature, related to their protection with love, because knowledge is power of love. IT IS ACTION TIME I would like to say that I thank all organizations present for their flexibility and constructive contribution that have allowed me to continue as an Educator with the practices. I have always wanted to contribute with the Red Cross if you let me do it and with Uned If I could do. Maybe in/with environment protection now, because with pedagogy I have also done my homework, but I don’t want anymore (he hecho tope) and I am demotivated. I have made a great effort and to do a huge plan-program about healthy habits, but I did nothing at all and it is only writing right now. A program should be implemented by people and in attention to their needs and global programs need, all together. I think I did a magistral presentation of my program-plan; wherein I select/adapt needs by healthy habits. In fact I started with food and I did a sport program, and a reading, and so on. I just wish to reiterate that a program should be done with people to engage them and to adjust requirements. Yesterday I heard of BITACORA scouts, they will be established in my district. That is what I get excited about! Although no longer a youngster. I do not know. Will be able set/fit nature and environment with scouts and the red cross??’ Scouts can/may help push us over the tipping point by/with environment item because they have succeful experience. I learned many things about nature with them and I pass great adventures and I adore nature now. Scout methodology is the best to implement learning by doing though participates action research, coproduction and co-construction based on scientific local knowledge of the social system. We could disseminate more a nature message just as it has done WWF before. We could involve more people and more institutions like EOI in Valencia, this school is opposite to the Red Cross Valencia. Nowadays main manager were my teacher time ago. Even though Ana G. (another one) is enthusiastic now with food and environments items. I feel so frustrated in my professional career, because I believe that Pedagogy is into every place and matter. In the Uned I am a Social educator, but I have ever feel like a Pedagogue. Why nobody like to play to my playing and building a better world??. IT IS TIME TO START ALLIANCES In short this strategy consist in developing alliances with four parties: Red Cross, Uned, Scouts and EOI, Official languages school in Valencia. In The Red Cross, we will discuss this action further and we may activate/set up our plan about Healthy Habits. I designed this one during my practices 3 of Pedagogy. We should be changing and rebuilding in attention to needs. An example was made in the practice in attention to food and sport, by surveys in attention to needs. EOI is opposite to the Red Cross in Valencia (local). If we work together collaboratively, we will sharing knowledge by distribution of information in different languages and places. Only in Valencia there are 3 languages schools and some aularios: AG (my English teacher) is interesting in food and environment items. N and JE, are principals now and were my teachers as well. Scouts can help us by nature and with young people. I personally learning to love nature with them. First time in “Marfull” an ecological review and with a shareholding in fire prevention. Scout methodology is trhe best to apply learning by doing and working by projects. We could divulgate our message with them as did WWF before than we. Uned is opposite to de Provincial Red Cross. In my opinion Uned is a good option to activate our plan. For instance Uned is working on line with Kenya student nowadays. I did here my Social Educator practices, by hospitals and by employment. I did too my first practices of pedagogy during. 2009-2010
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