topic 4. 5


I need to write about the mentioned role focus on the relationship between EI and academic performance, but after all, I need to speak about Petrides/González and Parker.

First of all, According to Petrides and González, there is a relationship between that two concepts.

On the one hand, for some authors Trait, EI is a hierarchical, multidimensional construct and this cannot be encapsulated in emotional perception.

On the other hand, nowadays it is an emerging literature that falls within the trait domain concerning the perception of emotions.


A recent meta-analysis revealed that high trait EI may confer a performance advantage, of variable strength in primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Some literature underlines slow IQ children and gifted students, too. Both of them are clever intelligence. As Goleman says, everybody may have 8 different bits of intelligence!

But What about University students? In this case, we can find differences in the trait EI profiles of students in different Universities. that option indicates that trait should be given consideration in the practice of career guidance and coaching. 

One of the biggest expectations of EI is learning and training potential. Is more, Lopez and Salovey underlined the need to identify which components of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Today this program is an active implementation in some schools and colleges

In short, Successful performance is due to a constellation of factors: School, resources, teachers, peers, methodology. And by my part, I believe that trait, abilities, experience and gens or biology. 

But sometimes a Good student in school at the present is not enough to ensure a workplace or job!



Schutte: Increasing EI through training.

Emotional Intelligence not only ensures personal well-being but also increases people percent than have less risk of conflicts. If there is less risk of conflicts, there is less violence, less stress or anxiety, and maybe less use of drugs!.

Evaluation´s problems are:

-Schutte scale is an instrument, and 4 subfactors in the scale are perception emotion, emotion management, use of emotions, self, and other emotions.

Then, Schutte presents EI as an interdisciplinary construct of health,, and healthy habits that are on the grown today.

Schutte and his researchers EI found the construct to be associated with a variety of factors:  Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, relationships, work performance and 

Mental health-sport studies,...etc


- It is possible to be a wrong answer for building a Spectation imagen or  A correct image.

-we have different cultural interpretations

-decrease bias or tendencies due to external/outside Observers

-trait and ability are different constructs.


In sort, assessment EI may be biased, by lack of some difficult construct and the appropriated scales!!


From EI Theory, emotional capacities are perception, expression, and regulation). These capacities are important for ADAPTATION and they are a key contributor to well. being and personal- social growth



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