The extended case method emulates a reflexive modal of science that takes as its premises the intersubjectivity of scientists and subjects of study. Reflective science valorizes intervention, process, structuration, and theory reconstruction.

The extended case method applies reflexive science ethnography in order to extract the general from the unique, to move from de Micro to the Macro, and to connect the present to the past in anticipation of the future.

Positive science is limited by "context effects" (interview, respondent, field, and situational effects) while reflexive science is limited by "power effects" (domination, silencing, objectivation, and normalization).

The extended case method:

1)Ethnographic condition: Participant observation

2)Positive science. Theory revisited and defined: intervention, process, structuration, reconstruction

3)the effects and limits of power domination, silencing, objectification, and normalization

4) two models: the gap between principles and practices (cuadros)

In order to illustrate and explicate the extended case method I return to a study conduces between 19687 and 1972 in the newly independent African country of Zambia. Studies illustrates both the virtudes and the limits of the case-method. 

Like virtudes underline ; the political binaries of Colonizar and colonized, white and black, metrópolis and periphery, capital,labor, interes and identities.

On the another hand, like limits: Domination took an especially visión, but case method come up against very forces. Positive science  is limited by context which suplies the foundation  of reflective science is limited by power, the hidden premise of positive science.

1) Reflective science set out from a dialogue between us and them, between scientific and people. It star out from Folk Theory or indigenuos narratives on the other; -as a positive science Violated and - as the same parte as a dilimited science.

2) Positive  science propone a metodológicas Duality, the coexistence and independence  of 2 models of science, one positive and another one more reflexive. Them science separates: knowledge (social situation)  folk theory (académica theory), situation (localization) and participantes and observe.  Dialegue is the unifying príncipe of reflexivo science.

3) The efects of power. Reflexive science of case method conect context effects and effect of power. Intervención, proccess, structuration, and reconstruction are threatened by: domination, silencing, objetivation and normalización.


                            POSITIVE SCIENCE             and                   REFLEXIVE SCIENCE


Science PRINCIPES: Reactivity , Reliability, Replicability and Representativeness.

Reflexive principes; Intervention, Process, Structuration and Reconstruction.


Positive Science : stimulation/response, standarization, stabilization of condiciones and simple to population.

Reflexive Science: Extension of Observer_participant, E. Observation time/space, E. From process to force and E. Of theory


Positive science: CONTESXT EFFECTS: Interview, Respondent, Field, Situation

Reflexive science:POWER EFFECT: Domination, silencing, Objetificatui, Normalización. 


2 positives: Survey research and Grounden Theory

2 Reflex: clinical research and extender Case Method. 


For purposes of analysis Barnes treat the Political System, the pattern of village life, the system of kinship and affinity in the parish in the western Norway, the territorial arrangement of the Bremmes. Land can be bought and sold in Bremmes with a population daily stable where the same fieldshare is cultivares year after year  but there are severa factors tending to discoursage frequent sales of land.

This provide a stable environement in which social relation are mainteined touch decides this territorally- bases arrangement of persons is only a part of the social system of Bremen . Ussing  the sea as well as the land!

They are token from the sea, where there are no territorially. They are vaughn by men organised in groups of from five to twenty, whole go composition varies from year to year.Wives and children romain behind and star in one place whole  movie from one fishing ground to another. The third social field  has no boundaries; it has no coordinating organización.

Most of the times are between people are the same / equal status to one another, but a few  of them are not equals estatus. The elemental of social field are not fixed, for now lines are being formed and old lines are brown or put into  indefinite cold storage.

The organization  of population of Norway: the term  Social class is widely used in general conversation. Thus Marx had definited group into which  the population was divided, which are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. The study of class where between people possesing approximately the sema side of house.

The concept of networks is only one too for use in the analysis of social class. "While fishing men are no longer equals, they organised in chain of commond and differentiated according to functions". 

In sports, there is a cure hierarchically  organized externalización system, whereas the infernal system is the networks of friendship and acquaintances. Furthermore, un  outing, the parish council differs from one to another associations on the island. In fact the local governement in a société is channing slowsly. 

In Viking times all free men attend local assemblies with judicial and legislative authority. In Danish times tarde was carriel on in the countryside by town burghers before XIX. 

Thus a hundred and fifth years ago unwatch rural parish one or 2 bureaucrats living at a much higher stands than the rest of population. The rest of people where peasants  with the free holden occuping the higher status.  This science of events was in a sense the inevitable conseque CE of the ending of colonial rule. When the colonial power is driver out by ahmed insurrection or as a resultados of a long political battle, the struggle for liberation is at the same time the process by which a new Elite is forced to take over from the old colonial governing class.


abstract; This rewiew rexamines antropological literature concerned with Migration and other forma of population  movement of information,  symbol, capital, and commoditkes in Global and TransNational space. Especial attention to the increases un flows, in volum and vellocity, as well as, different  dinamics of communities and Identity of members. Also examines are innovations in Anthropological theory and forms of representation that are responses to much NonLocal contextos and Influences.

GLOBALIZATION as used refers to social, ec, cultural and demographic processes that take place within nations but also trascend them, as well as local process and Identities. 

TRANSNATIONALISM overlaps globalization  ut typically has a more limited purview. Whereas Global process is largely decentered from specific nacional territorios and take place in a global space, Transnational processes are actores in and transcendental one or more nation.states.

In fact TrasNationallism calls attention to the cultural political projects of National States, NS in relation witn other N.S. whereas Globalization implies more abstract, less institutionalized, and less intentional processes during without referente to notions, technological . In mass culture, global finance.

World system theory drew it on Dependency theory of colones. Whereas dependecy theory envisioned historia between nation and colones, world system displaced the analysis to a global space withing N/S were relativised.

Dependency: centres/ periferies

World system: semiperiphery and move thinking howard a Local in the Global

Global anthropology and the new migration.

World inmigrants in cites much NY and Los Angeles, which are Adaptation to Macro trends, estructural diversity and ethnographic perspectives on inmigration.

a)Deterritorialization in this sense contrats with the concept of Diaspora where by people imagine themselves as a nation outsider of a homeland. But in the case of the deterritorialised nation-state, people mayor be " anywhere un the world and stoll not live outsider the state". Another sense of deterritorialization has to do the construction of "hyperspaces" or hiperreal places

b)Global Implosion: global folk of etnic dance, or cuisine are comparable to the deterritorialization of migrants whole identities are transformes in the transnational space.

_Media comprensión; southern nations are naw producing massive TV programing to northern countries. Among many exemples of such reserve cultural imperialismo are masive flows of latinamerucan media and Brasilians to Portugal and USA.

_Tourism and globalization. Like TV chanel surfing commercialised tourism promotes the consumption of imagen, experiences,...

Macconnell building this theory of tourism on Marx idea about production,..experience and most antropology of tourism is the study such folk art and craft.

_ Identity and the culture concept

Growing appreciation of the complexity of Identity, the antropological analysis of personal and collective identity depend on some theory of clasificación. Such identities escapes in parte from either or clasification and before defined in which the suject share parcial, overlapping Identities with other similarly subjects that inhabitable reticular social forma.

_ transnational and the diáspora communities.  Ar the heard of Correntino antropological concerns with transnationalism, Identity política, migration and Human Rights.

,_politics.perhaps the most creative analysis of local polític and identities in transnational context is  doing Alliances and feminista alliances as well.


Before the war, some people was living in a small city (from 79,92) and with a small store whereas they sold a variety of goods and were able to live a confortable life. The war closed of this business because martial law was decreted and the violence affected the economy and social life a lot.

During the war an estimated 70000 people were killer and one million more left  the country and went to other places. Most scolars agrees that the principal presume was social and economic inequalities (the origen spaniards of XVI century).  When centraAmerica broke  away from 1800, one nation was formed and the elites began a colinial dependency and export coffe, cotton, sugar (like in USA or United Kindong in that time or even  Potugal, Belgium, France, ..etc). By this time, in América, much of population there were mestizzo peasants, por farmers.

During 1960_70 El Salvador promoted Industrialization, but there were never enough jobs. ..and 20 % of urbano households warner an inconexo belle minimun subsistente!

Civil war fare of a dozen yeats and 70000 people died, most of them civilianz. Despiste enourmus human and economic losses, neither side could win the war. In 1992 a peace was signes. Meanwhile USA and UNO were mediante.

In conclusión, the impact of the civil war has thread parts

Before the war, some key were in 1980, murder of Óscar Romero and 1988, guerrilla ofensiva.

During or under civil war, too much civil people were died, and a stronge robery of lands with coffe or crops. 

After that a massive inmigration into USA and Europe!


People speding time (2 motos or more) un Mexici after leaves El Salvador. During that time, many things can happen to everyone. People can even died and sometimes no one never find out. Yes  you just disappear!

México's long tradition of asylum, characterised by relatively small numeros. At different position Mexico received too much people during this century. In addition to an ambuguous legal situation people have encountered unemployment and troubles.

For salvadorans the courtney though Mexico is plague with uncertainties and rangers. In additionto the bureaucratic obstacles enforced by autorities to strac money. More than 1/3of people had been assaulted or robbed un Mexico and some time "the coyote" bright them to Los Angeles and people lied borrowed some of the money from other in the family. The journey seem to be especially dangedous for women, Although the travel is so difficul for some of them, other hace a different perspectives.

Conclusion: Because the great majority of salvadorians are unable to secure US vistes, they mustang make an arduos and mostly journey though México. The conditions in which they come to live in USA are sharpe and often reconfigurated by browser político.economic forces, a discusión to which I now turner!


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