Scholl for all. Part 1
At this stage, I should developed a clear understanding of how the learning objectives relate to performance expectations at the work site. My last place will be in The Red Cross, but after that I should clarify concepts or fill gaps.
Consequently I show the schema propose to follow in this project:
Task1: Clarifying ideas about education
Task 2: Confronting homogeneity and stereotypes
Task 3: My reflective practice. Part 1
Task 1: Clarifying ideas about education.
The first task starts like a play where I need to write my report about my ideas and contrast them with another one. The last ones are from different students, a father, and an Education Civil servant.
After that, I have contrasted the ideas and I tested there are quite different from each other. Now following our tasks description, I did my exercise reading the first module of Compulsory Education as well.
My ideas about education:
In my opinion, Education is a matter of life, because everything depends on it. Education for instance can be identified as a fundamental pillar of life. In short, Education should be for everybody and they will build a better world.
If education goes well, the world will go better!
As a student, I think that education can help you, but after school, finishing it, people sometimes are not prepared at all. Words are so different from classes taught and Being a good student, it does not ensure the best job.
My short questionnaire was about three questions and I like to emphasize some answers next to everyone:
What is schooling for?
-For learning new things -to Know how to behave, how to respect others
-for not to be an illiterate person -to know where “sign on”
2) How do schools help people to?
- From Monday to Friday, I go every day.- It prepares people to work. At a basic level of culture. To help equalize education opportunities.
3) Why is schooling important in our societies?
-To have access to own culture. Because it is a useful manual of good practices for citizens. How are the kids going to socialize if they do not go to school?. For buying, speaking, and so on.
After my questionnaire I summarize everything in a brief document following this:
Schooling with the participation of all members of the community
b- Why community, the school are important?
c- What happens after schools days?
d- Policy is important and money to implement it.
e-In conclusion.
First of all, Participation is a difficult subject matter, because not everybody has the same time and money in life. Sometimes a meeting is the best solution to consider of this children´s education, but those parents must work and they couldn´t come. It is not truly speaking about labored reconciliation and family. Most People do have no time for this!. Most people have to work many hours. The percentages of parents attending a meeting at their child´s schools are 89¨79 %. In fact, the percentages of parents (in 2016) who attended school differed by Poverty Status (62 or 63%).
Secondly Community; If we educating/teach children, we will/can change our societies and make them more inclusive. Everybody aid to the development of this country and My researches concluded that there is a significant positive correlation almonds school, family and community involvement. “As we enter the UN decade of Sustainable Development it will really make a difference if young people are educated on sustainable development issues and empowered to act”. (
Thirdly, answering question c: After school children cannot find jobs. There are more and more unemployed people and Maybe they will be better prepared to make the best job that it has never arrived. Certainly, the worst case is academic failure/learning breakdown. Preventing early school leaving reduces future Exclusion from the labor market and the threat of future social exclusion.
On the other hand, Policy is important and money as well, because provides equal opportunities when they are intended. “An active public policy is justified when it is intended to boost social cohesion is thus ensured”. Education policy in a knowledge-based society, which is incredibly important and more important is the significance of tackling the challenges with regard to future development.
To sum up, Community involvement and engagements have been great benefits. When students, schools, parents, families, and communities work together, students tend to stay in school longer. Maybe they will do a better job!. Oftentimes the task of providing a well-rounded educational experience falls directly on school and staff. However, the fact of children's education occurs outside the classroom.
Another important question is:
What happens before the school days? Early Stimulation
“Thinking about the general education of children and young people requires cognitive ability, teaching educational training and to work as a part of a team and these skills can only be gained by means of demanding initial training and the appropriate ongoing training”. (
Task 2: Confronting Homogeneity and Stereotypes.
The following section explains how it is structured this point in just three steps:
Stereotypes, homogeneity, and diversity: In order to use a collective label, you only need your brain.
Ability grouping: Homogeneous/heterogeneous
Finally: Ideas of Witaker as a conclusion
Stereotypes, homogeneity, and diversity: In order to use a collective label, you only need your brain!
Stereotypes are in the culture´s arena. Nowadays stereotypes in education are speaking about the younger generation X, Y, Z. Those are the names used to mention in order to people were born at the same time. People say that from time to time new generation’s emergent with transcendental changes. Every one generation shares features and behavior and ideas. X Generation, from 63 to 79. Y Generation or Millennial, from 80 to 2000. Z Generation; Children who would really weaken up and change the world.
Some stereotypes:
. Millennials started with the recent trends connecting Mobil and computers. As for Z generation part, they are 5 screen´s
-Millennials are creating media content that is local and relevant to their situation. Z generation should be shared this information.
-Millennial is focused on the present and the Z generation are focused on the future.
Our perceptions is never objective in a relationship, bat filtered by the expectation and goals. Then Stereotypes are a subjective resolution. In fact, Prejudice and stereotype are ever-presents in our perceptions. Our brain needs to classify people in a group by common features. In fact, for this, it weighs more negative information in our minds/thoughts. When more exposition to diversity we were better resolution against prejudice.
As some scientific magazines affirm in 2018, right now, is that the first thing people doing is to do categorization and classifications. Then they identify its category or class and finally they compare with other groups, and always in favor of our group, because strengthening our self. Confidence. An important note about our brain tends to perceive as negative aspects and stereotyped are created to order.
On the other hand, homogeneity and diversity are very abstract ideas, as well as, the poles of a continuum where both are in play at the same time although to different degrees. In this way, Homogeneity means to be of the same kind as the other, formed of parts that are of the same type. Diversity means the opposite. It is to be composed of different types or formed of different parts.
Humans are different from our fellow humans and for that reason, we are all, in some way, Diverse. If we are all in some way Different, we are also, in other ways similar to our fellow human beings. In other words; we are things in common and we differ from others.
I totally agree with the false benefits of homogeneity proposed in the inner guide.
The first one is that teaching is easier in a homogeneous group
The second one is teaching the same to everybody
Ability grouping: Heterogeneous/homogeneous
There are concrete references to heterogeneous classes and homogeneous classes. Bosh of them is advantages and disadvantages.
Pros and cons of homogeneous:
For instance, a homogeneous group can have a lesson plan tailored to the ability of the group as a whole, rather than having to address students with a variety of abilities and needs. Students may feel more comfortable in a group of their peers who is able to learn at about the same speed. Advanced students may not feel the pressure they experience in a heterogeneous group.
Students may be given a curriculum that wasn´t challenging and therefore didn´t learn as much as they would in a heterogeneous.
Matheus (1992) found that high-ability students prefer cooperative learning in a Homogeneous group than a heterogeneous one. In this way, homogeneous classes may serve the needs of academically Talented and Gifted students without effects in a heterogeneous classroom.
Pros and cons of heterogeneous grouping:
Heterogeneous groups can be contrasted directly with homogeneous g in which the students are all at the same instructional level. There are many social benefits to a heterogeneous classroom. When students in gifted or special education programs go to special classes common in homogeneous places.
Students may feel stigmatized socially if they have to go to “a special” class every day and could find themselves bully. In fact, gifted student in heterogeneous places may not fare as well as their peers.
Some sentences I found were:
“Sitting in groups it makes certain people think they´re not as smart as others”
“If you are only going to teach one part of the class, what do you expect the other kids to do, sit and look stupid”
The main ideas of Whitaker´s can be summarized as follows:
We speak about People, not programs
With an assertive Discipline
It´s not what to do. It´s How you do.
You can use the Power of the Expectation
Focusing on students first.
To sum up There are two ways to improve a school: get better teachers and improve the current teachers.
Effective educators focus on the people, not on the programs. They see programs as solutions.
The classroom management approach is based on the fact that teachers have the power to ask and require specific actions from students, but this approach still has students’ best interests in mind. This is participation.
How Teachers do it is preferred rather than what does it because teachers are aware that the students have individual needs
Great teachers focus on expectations, when the expectation is set at the level a student needs, they are motivated to work harder.
The more important: focus on students first and make every decision based on what is best for students.
Task 3: Reflecting practice. Part 1
The aim of this task was to reflect on my own values and theories, as well as write a personal contribution following recommendations in the guide. First of all, I will start focusing my essay on three main parts: My personal contribution, Academic learning development, some comments about Epstein’s model in conclusion.. It is for this I did two parts in this point.(part 2 in task B: triptico and creativity).
My personal contributions.
All my life I have always wanted to teach. In fact when I was a kid my favorite game/ playing was with my dolls, and construction sets with my brothers. My dolls were my students and I was their teacher. I was repeating what I hear before at my school.
I really liked going to school as a kid!
As a young woman, I was working which young people all my life, at the beginning by giving private classes to children and young people, as a student. As well as I contribute to a young association of Scouts. In this place, I learned so much. In scouts, I was completely overwhelmed to see so enthusiastically and spontaneously became a part of a kid's process. Learning by doing in an engaging way was our tool.
I started in The Red Cross in 1992, more or less, after a serious traffic accident before Christmas. As a young woman, I was working in the hospital with children. After over a longer time period, I was doing my practices as a Social educator. Nowadays as a Pedagogue
I started in UNED, after my second accident; cardiovascular. Nowadays I am a Social educator and I am studying Pedagogy here. In 2006 I started as a Social Educator and in 2010 in Pedagogy. I believe that I have ever seen it!
Of course in my village, I can assure my contribution as an educator for children across several generations, nowadays these kids are responsible for the future and festivals of their village. Scouts have been ever great support for me because I learned with them everything about Social Pedagogy: learning by doing in active and constructive collaboration with everybody is fundamental.
My academic learning development.
The benefits of reflection about the whole academic learning process is key in order to improve them. Alike as well, first of all, To look a little more closely at my own positive and negative points or aspects of my personality.
-Looking at my strengths and weaknesses.
My key strengths are: I am an active and committed person and a pioneer spirit.
I am a responsible person, hardworking, and above all with a flexible style, inquisitive mind, and organized approach to mention. I need to add my resilience as well as my practical issue and creative thinking
My main weaknesses are:
As a general rule, improvements were reported in skills such as communication skills, self-confidence, self-awareness, and the ability to work with others if I have the opportunity for this. Language skill, cultural awareness, and professional competence.
(photos, Facebook and more, effort)
-My Knowledge and skills.
I believe that I know nothing at all.
We learned to a great extent from experience. A Big experience and fantastic are better for this because learning is fun and good in that way and if we do it with people is the best for everybody.
-Professional development.
Reflection has allowed me to gain a sense of ownership of my professional development and I can increase my confidence interact with other. Estoy fascinada con haber conseguido 2 carreras con Pc, pero tenemos que humanizar más las enseñanzas.
In conclusion
Participation and collaboration can be done in different ways and grades to humanize students and people in general, all together. Participation has hundreds and hundreds of benefits for students, parents, and schools. Benefits like for instance: more positive attitudes and behavior or more support from families and of course, to have higher expectations of their children and students. But it must be recognized, however, that one student is a person with sensibility and we can´t crush too much.
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