Social Justice in an Open World???!

Inequality in the distribution on among people is well documented nowadays. Aware of the dificulties inherent the defense of a support for Equalily of Rights, are not as clear as those associated with inequalities. Social Justice is not possible without strong redistributive policies and by public agencies. Social Justice requires coherent policies to attach some quantifiers of econimic world.
Inequalities among cities and people are bigger year after year and they are not declined recently!
Developing countries have made no signoficative proggress for financial forces because capital is in a bad order instead this places and with bad support and worse innovation.

We need to have a new international economic order, because is incredible that 6 major áreas of inequality among  people are in AFRICA, ASIA OR EVEN IN LATIN AMERICA. What about cooperación??
Why they are every year worse???
The divide between  Human Rights and Economic and Social development is diffuse, and the focus on poverty eradication is not true. Last thursday, about 30 people are dead in Africa crossing to Europe and to days after almost 40 dead in a truck in Texas!

Are international Jusyice and Social one, pollitically obsolete concepts?
In my opinión UN has an admirable language, as well as every Rich country,  but nule efforts!
Policies to reduce poverty are not synonymous with policies to promote Equity and Equality!
Why Ucranian people are refugies and black people are not?


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