
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019

Ivan Illich y la Desescolarización


An accelerated project

GETTING STARTED, a systematic process. An Accelerated school project. As each year goes by and new sets of educational changes and staff-development wors shops are introduced.  The accelerated school project sets out a systematic process of purpose, undertake: -Responsibility for Decision MKaiking and -build powerful learning experiences for all students based on their individual strengths. Then through the INQUIRY PROCESS, members of the community pursue their vision by identifying challenges, looking for solutions, implementing a plan and evaluating. Before the inquiry process, there are four impost and steps to the following:         1) Take stock (3-4 months)         2) Forge a Vision (2 months)         3) Set Priorities ( 1 day)         4) create Governance SAW, committing strength and cadres) These 4 steps are the "getting from here to there" and its ensure coordination an...


INQUIRY PROCESS. Stages: 1.- focus in on challenge area. We will focus on areas of Strength and challenge. On the contrary, traditionally, schools should focus on weakness:       a) Explore the problem and hypotheses WHY: what, how and content       b) Test Hypotheses       c) Interpret 2.- Brainstorming solution . the 2 major steps brainstorming solutions are: to look inside and to look outside. in following for solutions, keep the following advice:       a) Build on strength       b)think big       c) Don´t reinvent the wheel       d) Dont´s asking for assistance A true brainstorm allow all ideas without any discussion! 3.- Synthesize solutions and doing a Plan.      a) Discussing should help you see which ideas are most feasible and appropriate yo your focus area      b) Developing a plan 4.- Pilot test and implement the plan ...

Teaching and learning strategies

Teaching and learning strategies. The criteria to select a strategy is to take into account: - objectives and needs -the right -interest and knowledge, Capabilities. The objectives are nothing to do with Indoctrination or custodial care or standard criteria. Compulsory ed objectives are developed by competences and abilities. pyramid draw:                                  Competences                                                        ___Ability____                                                 _____Capability_______                               ...

Stereotype and prejudice

GLOSSARY Accelerated school= They are communities Working together to create the best school for all. Inquiry process= It is a method for coming together to think. It is referred to as a systematic approach to SOLVING PROBLEMS by the community . Stereotype= It is an oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing -Homogeneity= It is a word used to say that a thing is the same kind or type of another.It is the opposite of heterogeneity -Heterogeneity= It is a word opposite to homogeneity and used to saying diverse. -Difference: Used to say that something is unusual -Diverse=This words include many different types of people or things .Prejudice= Relating to an unreasonable opinion formed without the knowledge and with a juice .Discrimination= It is similar to unjust or prejudicial treatment (relating to race, sex...) .Equal opportunity= Typically refers to people are treated similarly and without prejudices or barriers or p...


HOMOGENEITY/DIVERSITY IN SCHOOLS. We speaking of a homogeneous perspective when we stress similarities among individuals and act as if they expect more or less the same. On the contrary, we speak of diversity when we are aware of individual variation. Diversity means the opposite! We are all different from our fellow humans, and for that reason Diverse. If we are in some way Different, we are also in other ways Similar to our fellow humans. In other words: In a relationship, you tend to find both: common and different features. Our perception is never objective in a relationship but filtered by the expectations, goals, and outcomes we can interact with others. (references and notions of stereotypes and prejudice are in my glossary at the end.- We find important differences in homogeneity and diversity. For one place, some false benefits of homogeneity are: -it is easier to teach to a homogeneous group because we teaching the same at all For another place, the adva...

Education in crisis

COMPULSORY EDUCATION is in crisis. Nowadays we should speak about some different words refers to education: Home schooling-deschooling and even unschooling. Not only its compulsory natures but also the benefits of institutions of evaluation have been put under question by some authors, as Ivan Illich or John Holt. Many examples of alternatives are: for instance if children have a long-term illness or even though for separate minority schools. The right to education is a universal right, but the ideal of equal right education pre-supposes an Elementary school. We find important differences between the aim of education;  On the one hand, the tradicional function of the school system and some features are: -functions; custodial care-selection based-classification-stratification-indoctrination-status quo -features; asymetric- experience-bureaucratic. On another hand, Equal right is an ideal more than a social reality: -ethnicity and social background are an imp...

AS,Accelerated school 2

Accelerated school 2. Getting started´s The whole process is designed to help people gain a Full PICTURE of the Present Situation. Stages are: 1)Take stock 2)Forging a Vision 3)Setting priorities 4) Created governance 1.- Take stock : The baseline data for taking stock should incorporate the participation of all staff, students, and so on. step 1: Start by Brainstorming what facets or areas of the school you´d like to take stock of Present Situation. WHY. step 2: Once you've come to a consensus about which 6 or 8 clusters make up your school´present situation, you should establish a committee to take stock of each one. step 3: Your taking stock committees should outline a list of questions  that will begin to  define your present situation (here and now) Baseline  information covers everything about a school, not simply test score: -school history -students -achievement -curriculum and instruction -school organization (governance and staff rel...

Formal, informal and no formal education

FORMAL, NO FORMAL and INFORMAL intercultural education. 1) FORMAL The school´s role (on the role) is double: -On the one hand with a reception PLAN like a melting pot (caldo de cultivo) of minority cultures. -On another hand fostered/promoted Intercultural approaches of living ...of social coexistence. We need to input/insert on the curriculum intercultural approaches like respect and, of course, alter or modify stereotypes and damages of people from another culture. 2)NO FORMAL Education has in "Culture animation" it main sustainable car. I believe we have good reasons to appreciate the intercultural approach. Attitudes and negative behavior should be a consequence of a negative assessment of the difference between people. Should be the consequence for using the difference as discrimination. We need to change/transfer this last assessment and generate positive attitudes and positive behavior and respect for other cultures. 3) INFORMAL In my view, volunteering,...

Discrimination, racismo and xenofobia

Stereotypes and damages like attitudes There is a relation between a dominant culture and a subculture and usually, we will traditionally speak of three different kinds of relationships: 1)Negation 2)Preservation Apart 3)Assimilation We can say that Stereotypes and damages (prejudices) are beliefs shared of a cultural community or organization. Bosh of them are a simplification of reality by a group and for this matter, those can be positives and negatives. -stereotypes have occurred with some frequency from time to time -damages make an initial JUDGMENT, juice. In fact, Ethnic damages may also act as social injustices! At the begining, I say that stereotypes and damages are attitudes of different groups. Those social and cultural groups are learning by an educational process (sometimes ethnocentrism) Sometimes there is an argument for rejection concerns of three different culture manifestations: a) Discrimination (by difference) b) Xenophobia (hate foreign) c)racism (d...