Teaching and learning strategies

Teaching and learning strategies.

The criteria to select a strategy is to take into account:
-objectives and needs
-the right
-interest and knowledge, Capabilities.

The objectives are nothing to do with Indoctrination or custodial care or standard criteria.
Compulsory ed objectives are developed by competences and abilities.

pyramid draw:                                  Competences



                                  If you are able to do/make something, you will have Competence
                                  If you aren´t  able to do something, you will have the capability

                   a master =competence
                  an expertise=ability

The assumption about teaching and learning. 2 main principles: 
-Experimental learning and 
-Cooperative learning
We construction our knowledge in that way

1) flexible grouping (Homo..hetero...Scouts)
2)learning communities Uned
3) Projects: The Red Cross

 More strategies by;
4) Education for peace
5) education for development
6) Cooperation
7)Ed for difference
8) interculturality
9) coeducation
10) Education for coexistence (convivencia); which include both nature and neighbor

ED for peace, coexistence and NON VIOLENCE form part of HUMAN RIGHTS and seeks to provide tools in support of critical responsible citizenship. Generally, we reject a different social culture because we fear them.

ED for development is for making people aware that promoting values and attitudes can connect with sociality and humanity values. DNGO are institution that support vulnerability of people


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Dominios de aprendizaje

Principios de orientacion y tutoria

competencias y capacidades, comparativa