AS,Accelerated school 2

Accelerated school 2. Getting started´s

The whole process is designed to help people gain a Full PICTURE of the Present Situation.

Stages are:

1)Take stock
2)Forging a Vision
3)Setting priorities
4) Created governance

1.- Take stock:
The baseline data for taking stock should incorporate the participation of all staff, students, and so on.

step 1: Start by Brainstorming what facets or areas of the school you´d like to take stock of Present Situation. WHY.

step 2: Once you've come to a consensus about which 6 or 8 clusters make up your school´present situation, you should establish a committee to take stock of each one.

step 3: Your taking stock committees should outline a list of questions  that will begin to  define your present situation (here and now)

Baseline  information covers everything about a school, not simply test score:
-school history
-curriculum and instruction
-school organization (governance and staff relationships), resources
-parents and community
-school climate

step 4: After developing questions each committee should look back over the brainstormed information there´s looking for.

step5: One each group has come up with a set of questions for their area, they should decide WHO and WHO they want to get each question answered.
WHIO, some questions will be directed to students, while others might go to staff, parents...
HOW to find info of each question, the committees can interviews, created surveys, look through test scores, reflect on X, look through data, take a walk around!

step 6: Each committee should choose a representative to serve on a taking-stock committee

                                                  taking stock coordination committee

Achievement                                                                                                  Organization

                         Climate                                                              Community

                                            Curriculum                     family
                                            Instruction                      Involvement

step7: After the taking stock cc has finished drafting the master surveys, committee members should send for approval

step 8: Members should arrange for translating the master surveys into the languages.

step 9: As surveys come back, volunteers with computer and data analytics expertise should to compile and tabulate the responses

step 10: Analyses and reflect on a survey and nonsurvey responses. Each committee should prepare a presentation of approximately 20 minutes

step 11: Discuss the finding without setting priorities or reading toward solutions.

2. Forging a shared vision
The vision is the there is "getting from here to there". Many schools begin forging vision while they´re taking stock so that the processes run simultaneously

How about your vision?
There are many ways to compile the school community´s Dreams into a shared vision. Some steps:

step 1: Everybody should reflect on their personal vision: what type of school do I want for myself?

step2: At a meeting, you might assign all participants to small groups and encourage them to share their personal ideas or vision. Someone should write down every suggestion on chart paper and post them for large group discussion

step3: the entire group should decide who all the major constituent groups of the school are and devise strategies to get their input into the vision.

step 4: Once everyone has contributed vision ideas, the vision coordinating committee synthesizes and summarizes all the ideas from groups

step 5: the vision coordinating committee should them give the draft vision to the consensus on.

step6: to celebrate their vision (rallie1)

step 7: revising your vision.

                                   Vision coordinating committee

        control office                                                               local community
                          students                                        Parents


3.- Setting Priorities

The setting priorities day should begin with a brief review of the taking stock report and the vision and this process usually generate very animated discussions.
Ultimately. all of the priorities will be handled, but only the highest ones will be addressed. By focusing effort on 3 or 5 priorities.

One strategy for setting priorities:

1.- Make enough Copies of all participants
2.- Number of into small groups and set people into groups
3.- Brainstorming about between here and there and make a list of 40 items
4.- Select only 5 main differences
5._ Post all chart-paper listing of the small group

At the end of the setting- priorities the participants DISCUSS AND DECIDE WHICH ITEMS WITHIN EACH CLUSTER AREA ARE MOST IMPORTANT.

As your group agrees on the top 3 or 5 priorities, you set the stage for stabilized the new governance.

4.- Setting up governance or structures.

The whole community really does set the AGENDA and make a decision together. At the heart of decision making and governance are self-selected cadres of participants addressing each of the priorities.

You might wind up with cadres to tackle the clustered challenges of curriculum, culture and family involvement..
                             Governance structure
                             School Vision

                          School as a whole SAW

                            steering committee

      cadre                   cadre                           cadre


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