1.- focus in on challenge area.
We will focus on areas of Strength and challenge. On the contrary, traditionally, schools should focus on weakness:
a) Explore the problem and hypotheses WHY: what, how and content
b) Test Hypotheses
c) Interpret
2.- Brainstorming solution.
the 2 major steps brainstorming solutions are: to look inside and to look outside. in following for solutions, keep the following advice:
a) Build on strength
b)think big
c) Don´t reinvent the wheel
d) Dont´s asking for assistance
A true brainstorm allow all ideas without any discussion!
3.- Synthesize solutions and doing a Plan.
a) Discussing should help you see which ideas are most feasible and appropriate yo your focus area
b) Developing a plan
4.- Pilot test and implement the plan
After people approve an Action Plan, we can follow it with a pilot test. The committee identified the following potential sources of adult volunteers...
5.- evaluated and reassess
Evaluation and reflection are important.
Outside, organizations frequently use standardized assessment tools not based on the curriculum of the local school. On the contrary, the self-assessment embodies our 3 principles: Unity of purpose, Empowerment responsibility, and Building on Strengths.
1.- focus in on challenge area.
We will focus on areas of Strength and challenge. On the contrary, traditionally, schools should focus on weakness:
a) Explore the problem and hypotheses WHY: what, how and content
b) Test Hypotheses
c) Interpret
2.- Brainstorming solution.
the 2 major steps brainstorming solutions are: to look inside and to look outside. in following for solutions, keep the following advice:
a) Build on strength
b)think big
c) Don´t reinvent the wheel
d) Dont´s asking for assistance
A true brainstorm allow all ideas without any discussion!
3.- Synthesize solutions and doing a Plan.
a) Discussing should help you see which ideas are most feasible and appropriate yo your focus area
b) Developing a plan
4.- Pilot test and implement the plan
After people approve an Action Plan, we can follow it with a pilot test. The committee identified the following potential sources of adult volunteers...
5.- evaluated and reassess
Evaluation and reflection are important.
Outside, organizations frequently use standardized assessment tools not based on the curriculum of the local school. On the contrary, the self-assessment embodies our 3 principles: Unity of purpose, Empowerment responsibility, and Building on Strengths.
1.- Focus in on the challenge area it is maybe the more important stage.
In the first stage, your cadre works to gain a clear understanding of your challenge area and WHY it exists. Then you will be continued by exploring and hypotheses. Both of them can guide through analysis and action.
Your cadre should do:
- explore the challenge area informally and hypothesize WHY it exists (what/how/contest)
-developing hypotheses and test them
-interpret your results and search solutions
To illustrate the process of developing the hypothese 6 steps:
2.-Grouping and team building
3.- Hypothesis Development
4.- Evidence Development
5.- Fusion
6.-Develop Conclusions and report.
In the first stage, your cadre works to gain a clear understanding of your challenge area and WHY it exists. Then you will be continued by exploring and hypotheses. Both of them can guide through analysis and action.
Your cadre should do:
- explore the challenge area informally and hypothesize WHY it exists (what/how/contest)
-developing hypotheses and test them
-interpret your results and search solutions
To illustrate the process of developing the hypothese 6 steps:
2.-Grouping and team building
3.- Hypothesis Development
4.- Evidence Development
5.- Fusion
6.-Develop Conclusions and report.
Developing a good hypothesis requires divergent thinking to ensure that all hypotheses are considered. It also requires convergent thinking to ensure that redundant and irrational hypotheses are eliminated.
Hypothesis development is ultimately experience-based. In this experienced-based, new knowledge is compared to the previous one. Before long, an analyst has developed there hypotheses. there is not a concrete number of hypotheses to be considered but the method of multiple working hypotheses is difficult to following and sometimes they can be redundant hypotheses because can be tested.
Cadres can use a variety of research method to test hypotheses: some strategies can be:
observation, survey, interview, review test scores, and achievement data analyze curriculum and discuss and meet
2.-Brainstorm solution.
After spending so much time discovering the underlying causes of your challenge area, you´ll want to find the best solution: The two major steps in brainstorming solutions are: to looking INSIDE the school (expertise) and to look OUTSIDE (programmes ideas)
-LOOK INSIDE for ideas and expertise. The book first suggests that your first look at your school´s strengths in your challenge area and see if you can build on them.
-LOOK OUTSIDE after developing a list of possible outside resources through brainstorming. When you explore these outside resources, you will undoubtedly come upon new potential solutions (explore successful programs talk with local communities).
In looking for potential solutions, keep the following advice in mind:
.BUILD on your strengths because in your community will have many good ideas
-Don't reinvent the Wheel. Educators all over the world are looking for better their jobs.
-Don´t Shy away from asking for assistance. an interdisciplinary unit can help people in the real world
.Think Big or think in terms of solutions that will totally transform things.
3.-Synthesize solutions and develop an Action Plan
-Synthesize solutions.
Your cadre should begin by sifting through all of your brainstorming solutions and seeing which
ones best address your focus area. Discussing the above criteria should help you see which ideas are most feasible and appropriate to your focus area. After working through these question and communicating with your steering committee and the school as a whole SAW, your care can begin wearing the ideas into a proposal Action Plan.
-Develop an Action Plan. After developing that you begin to pilot test the plan. It´s best if you develop your question for assessment before you actually implement the pilot program so that you can assess the plan during and after the pilot test.
4.-Pilot plan
After the steering committee and the SAW approve a cadre´s proposed Action Plan. some pilot test such as assessing will be of a small scale." Don´t gloss over difficulties, our mistakes sometimes provides the best opportunities to learn"
5.- Evaluate
Whether the Action Plan involved a Pilot test or full implementation, evaluation and reflection are important. Based on the evaluation it can modify the pilot test. We can use qualitative and quantitative evaluation tools to asses the strengths and weakness of the pilot test.
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