Education in crisis


Nowadays we should speak about some different words refers to education: Home schooling-deschooling and even unschooling.
Not only its compulsory natures but also the benefits of institutions of evaluation have been put under question by some authors, as Ivan Illich or John Holt.

Many examples of alternatives are: for instance if children have a long-term illness or even though for separate minority schools.
The right to education is a universal right, but the ideal of equal right education pre-supposes an Elementary school.

We find important differences between the aim of education;
 On the one hand, the tradicional function of the school system and some features are:
-functions; custodial care-selection based-classification-stratification-indoctrination-status quo
-features; asymetric- experience-bureaucratic.
On another hand, Equal right is an ideal more than a social reality:
-ethnicity and social background are an important factor
-western democracies could be failing with higher education
-the woman is subject to gender in many places

So the school system is suffering a crisis because the schooling doesn´t achieve educational goals which all the students. the process control is affecting by:
-curricula that not reflect equal perspectives
-teaching styles are so  different
-status quo of some people
-school is not for all students.


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