Stereotype and prejudice


Accelerated school= They are communities Working together to create the best school for all.

Inquiry process= It is a method for coming together to think. It is referred to as a systematic approach to SOLVING PROBLEMS by the community.

Stereotype= It is an oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing

-Homogeneity= It is a word used to say that a thing is the same kind or type of another.It is the opposite of heterogeneity

-Heterogeneity= It is a word opposite to homogeneity and used to saying diverse.

-Difference: Used to say that something is unusual

-Diverse=This words include many different types of people or things

.Prejudice= Relating to an unreasonable opinion formed without the knowledge and with a juice

.Discrimination= It is similar to unjust or prejudicial treatment (relating to race, sex...)

.Equal opportunity= Typically refers to people are treated similarly and without prejudices or barriers or preferences

Equity=Typical refers to money. It is represented by money

Equality= The right of different groups to have a similar social position and the same treatment

powerful learning refers to work together to create experiences that motivate peopleç


In short, one way of discrimination can be stereotyping people or even worse with prejudice. In fact, a stereotype can be + and -, as well as the prejudice, the only difference is an emotional component.

They are a mechanism of the perpetual dire poverty of opportunities. Both of them; stereotypes and prejudice are a focus on Discrimination, which affects the living-harmony around the world because they can be used like VIOLENCE against people.

                                                         Discrimination ex: 
                                                                  textbook, sexism, labor market

                    Stereotype Ex:                                                      Prejudice, ex: + juice previous
                      gypsy people, the russian,                                            emotional component 
                      black people or Spanish

Sometimes a stereotype can be prejudice because the emotional component of prejudice can encourage a feeling and it can orient a behavior. Mostly a bad behavior. 

Stereotypes. there is a relationship between a dominant culture and a subculture. Maybe there are stereotypes as well. traditionally we will be speaking of 3 kinds of relationship. 
2)Preservation apart
We will say that stereotypes and damages are beliefs shared in culture, community, and organization.

-Stereotypes are history, even though damages makes an initial JUDGMENT. Both of them simplify the reality of a group and it may be positives and negatives. Ah! Ethnic damages may also act as social injustices.

Attitudes can be stereotypes and damages of different groups, social and cultural groups. Attitudes are learning by an educational process (sometimes ethnocentrism)

Sometimes there is an argument for rejection concerns of 3 different culture manifestations:
a)discrimination, persons like different
b)xenophobia, he or she hates foreign
c)racism, dominance supremacy white.

On the one hand; discrimination and xenophobia has its origins in stereotypes and damages. despite the fact that xenophobia have origins in fear (be afraid) and insecurity. Meanwhile ethnocestrisme  tacha diferencia, racismo tacha igualdad.


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