Migrations from KEARNEY Michael, CASTLES Stephen, VERTOVEC Steven , PORTES Alejandro
1., Kearney Michael (86) . FROM THE INVISIBLE HAND TO VISIBLE FEET. Anthropological studies of Migration and development. The investigation of migration is associated with issues of Development and underdevelopment. A number of development issues emerge in the inmigration literature: urbanization, industrialización, agriculture, family structure, gender roles, and ideology. This review concéntrate on ethnographic studies. Theoretical perspectives. Migration research is presently a "hot topic and we have 3 successive theoretical orientations that we can refer to as; Modernization, dependency, and articulation. a)Modernization. The theory was gross of a synthesis of anthropological and sociological models of change and Neoclassical económica. That was elaborated in England and USA; The post peasant un...